Here's to Wake Forest, Their Team Is the Poorest

Gregg Doyel continues the Skip Prosser Exit Watch. Just like with Dave Odom, academic standards are brought up - the same sort of folks who criticize players who can't make grades have no problem bashing the standards that would preclude such behavior. Recruiting has been a problem, though. I'd argure the inability to replace Jamaal Levy and Vytus Danielus is a greater cause for this season's downfall than the loss of Chris Paul. With Williams left alone as the prominent threat inside, it's been to easy for teams to collapse on him and Justin Gray, negating most of the offense.

Still, blaming recruitng woes on Duke and Carolina is a little disingenuous. They're national programs, truly able to pull in students from around the country. But high school basketball is a broad talent pool, with the true successes on the college level not always visible in high school gyms. If you're a good coach selling a good program, you can bring in a squad that does better than 1-6 in the ACC.

Unless all your recruits finally realized that the University is in many ways a glorified high school. Then you're screwed.