Say No To Airball

I've briefly mentioned that Air-ball should never be chanted in the Dean Dome. I don't think it'll ever happen, since Air-ball is the archetypal cheer, learned in childhood, and distressingly effective -- the roommates attribute a good portion of Illinois loss to the Buckeye crowd getting into Dee Brown's head with it. But still, I dream of the day where Carolina fans abandon it once and for all. Why?

It's a Duke cheer.

(And should the article go the way of all newspaper, you can always read a blog summary or go back to where I first heard the story.)

It's also ingrained into the human psyche -- apparently dropping from an F to a D is one of those weird little things humans do so well -- so my hope of eradicating it is a Holland-sized windmill to be tilting at. But suggestions for a replacement are always appreciated. I could never think of anything better to replace it than a standard four syllable Not worth guarding chant, myself.

As for why Air-ball is the F to D transition? At the time Yonaker took his shot, the crowd was chanting Bor-ring. Ah, the joys of the Four Corners offense...